Invest in your greatest asset...Your People
Your employees and your internal talent are your greatest assets. Top-level innovation, creativity, and execution can't exist unless your employees and your teams are thriving. We're not talking about a one size fits all approach to leadership and organizational training, but about understanding the needs of each individual member of your team. We're talking about real human-centered, science-backed solutions that increase long-term satisfaction, retention and growth.

Removing Your Roadblocks

Our signature course is built for lasting indvidual employee and team results. This deep dive into personal drivers and strengths (see Gallup Strengths below) helps to identify inner Saboteurs that may be getting in the way of employees' satisfaction, success and growth. In this 6-week hybrid course, participants will also access the tools to increase resilience and to manage one's mindset for optimal goal setting and achievement.
Positivity in the Workplace

Positivity is actually a tool we can leverage for success as individuals and teams. Organizations and leaders are seeing the impact and increases in productivity, benlonging and engagement, all of which contribute to the overall health of a company. If you're not actively investing in engagement and creating a positive workplace you're risking turnover and a broken team culture. Bring out the best in your workforce by ensuring your organization operates with the science of positivity behind it.
Mindset for Managers

Research has proven that Mindset is a determining factor in whether you succeed or fail. Managers have to worry about their own Growth Mindsets as well those of their individual team members. This takes training and support.
Arm your managers with the ability to manage their mindset and help their emplyees and teams build resilience by teaching them to do the same.
Conflict Resolution

In order to have impact, teams need to be able to navigate conflict and know how to effecitvely have conflict conversations both internally and externally.
This workshop takes your organization and teams through the most trusted conflict training used by organizations, the Thomas-Kilmann Conlict Model and comes with an individual or team assessment depending on the participant group.
Can be offered as general learning or as a workshop with specific teams.
Gallup Strengths

Gallup StrengthsFinder is a popular corporate training tool that helps to maximize individual performance and development while creating more team cohesion and engagement. Teams that operate based on their strengths are more productive, efficient, and most importantly positive. Did you know positivity is actually a tool for succes?
Give your teams a common language, clarity to work out conflict for superior results, and the power to transform friction into flourishing.
Leadership Training and Coaching
Mangers today are faced with more pressure than ever before and so now they need more support than ever.
Fast track the self awareness that brings immediate focus to personal blindspots while also offering training to learn updated perspectives on the landscape of leadership, new tools and space in group or 1:1 sessions to dedicate the critical time leaders need to just focus on their own leadership development.
Delivering Effective Feedback

Effective feedback leads to higher employee engagement and productivity.
We arm employees with the skills to conduct effective feedback.
In this workshop we’ll go over frameworks and what lies at their core so that we can deconstruct the components of effective feedback and ensure your employees start giving feedback with more confidence and care.
The Mindshare Podcast for Corporate

We create The Mindshare Podcast series in partnership with organizations. Sponsored customized content delivered to your target audience in an innovative and accessible format.
Producer and host Liana Slater works in partnership with you to create high quality content for L&D, culture and community building and expert advice to help you reach your organization's business objectives. All through the power of storytelling and curating real tools for impact.